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MONDAY 2nd December 2002

Technical Tour 07:00 - 16:00
This Technical Tour organised in the framework of the third LAMNET project workshop visits the Copersucar Technology Center - CTC, one of the most advanced centers in the world focused on the development of agrigultural and industrial technology for the sugar cane industry. The CTC is located in Piracicaba / SP around 200 km west of São Paulo.

Programme of the Technical Tour:

TUESDAY 3rd December 2002

Inauguration Session: Welcome, Bioenergy Strategies and Policies

Moderators: José Moreira, CENBIO and Rainer Janssen, WIP

Welcome Address
é Moreira, CENBIO, Brazil
Inauguration Address
Mr. Marcelo Khaled Poppe, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Brazil

LAMNET - A Global Network on Bioenergy - Strategies and Results
Rainer Janssen, WIP, Germany

Sustainable energy supply for Germany - Results of the Enquete Commission of the German Parliament
Harry Lehmann, Institute for Sustainable Solutions and Innovations, Germany
Coffee Break
Sugar Cane as a Perfect Biomass for Energy
Luiz Carlos Corrêa de Carvalho, União da Agroindústria Canaviera de São Paulo, UNICA, Brazil

Densification of biomass vegetable residues
Leonardo N. Conde, Bio Energy Company do Brazil S/A

12:15 Panel Discussion: Impact of the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg on the Future of Bioenergy
Moderator: José Moreira, CENBIO
Panelists: Suani T. Coelho, Giuliano Grassi, Harry Lehmann, Wolfgang Palz, Hon. Rivacoba (Ambassador of Cuba in Brazil)
Lunch Break

Afternoon Session: Biofuels and Sustainable Electricity Generation in Latin America

Moderator: Suani T. Coelho, CENBIOmail Khennas, ITDG

Innovative Fuels and Biomass Resources
Nasir El Bassam, Federal Agricultural Research Centre, Germany

The potential of ethanol use in fuel substitution in Costa Rica
Leiner Vargas, CINPE-U.N.A., Costa Rica
Sugar Cane Biomass Alternatives for Electricity Generation
Antonio Valdes, GEPROP - Centre for Managing Prioritised Programmes and Projects,
Ministry for Science, Technology and Environment, Cuba

Coffee Break
Development of Bio-oil production plants in Brazil
Guilherme Machado, BTG de Centro América, Brazil

Biomass Fermentation: Fermentogas - the clean Fuelsaver
Markus Real, Omega Real Ltd. Brazil

Current Status and Opportunities of the LAMNET Project Database
Anton Hofer, WIP, Germany

Discussion Round: Results and future activities of the LAMNET project
Moderator: Rainer Janssen, WIP, Germany

WEDNESDAY 4th December 2002

Morning Session: Ethanol Based Fuel Cell Technology

Moderator: Newton Pimenta Neves Jr. National Reference Center for Hydrogen Energy - CENEH, Brazil

Introductory Lecture: Principle and Applications of Fuel Cells
Wolf Vielstich, University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil

The production of hydrogen from ethanol for Fuel Cells
Monica Saraiva Panik, Ballard Power Systems, Germany
Part1     Part2     Part3
Coffee Break
Research on the reforming of ethanol
Peter Hübner, Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme - ISE, Germany
Direct electro-chemical oxidation of ethanol for the application in Fuel Cells
Teresa Iwasita, University of São Paulo (USP) - Institute of Chemistry, Brazil
11:30 Panel Discussion: Challenges and opportunities of ethanol based Fuel Cells
Moderator: Peter Hübner, ISE, Germany
Panelists: Newton Pimenta Neves Jr. , Wolf Vielstich, Monica Saraiva Panik
Lunch Break

Afternoon Session: Innovative Bioenergy Technologies

Moderator: Osvaldo S. Martins, CENBIO

Decentralised energy self-sufficient supply and disposal systems
Susamme Kimmrich, Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik e.V. ISET, Germany

Technological and economical analysis of innovative bioenergy systems
Giuliano Grassi, European Biomass Industry Association - EUBIA
Recent developments in sugar cane bagasse cogeneration
Denis Tomlinson, Illovo Sugar, South Africa

Coffee Break
Pellets derived from biomass residues - a new market perspective
Francesco Cariello, ETA-Florence, Italy

Opportunities for biofuel driven micro-turbines
Rainer Janssen, WIP, Germany

Discussion Round: Summary of the workshop and outlook
Moderator: Rainer Janssen, WIP, Germany

THURSDAY 5th December 2002

Seminar on Climate Change - Brazil 2002
This seminar focuses on the activities of Working Group III (Mitigation of Climate Change) of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change - IPCC. In order to make results and findings of the IPCC´s Assessment reports on emissions, methologies and technology transfer available to a broarder Brazilian public a series of seminars is organised by the Brazilian institutions CENBIO, CentroClima and BRASUS within the framework of a specific national dessemination project.

Date and venue of the 3rd LAMNET workshop in Brasilia have been chosen in a way that all LAMNET members are given the chance to participate in this seminar on Climate Change and benefit from complementary themes and activities.